Jamf Pro

 30 Minutes
 10 Questions

This test is designed to assess the candidate?s in-depth knowledge and practical skills in managing macOS devices using Jamf Pro, with a strong emphasis on security configurations and compliance policies. The test will cover the three primary areas of device management: Mobile Device Management (MDM), Mobile Application Management (MAM), and Endpoint Security.

Example Question:

Below is a configuration script to install a macOS application via Jamf Pro's Self-Service portal. Analyze the script and explain what improvement can be made to ensure the app is installed silently without user interaction.

if [ ! -d "$app" ]; then
  curl -o /tmp/slack.dmg "https://downloads.slack-edge.com/mac_releases/Slack-4.18.0.dmg"
  hdiutil attach /tmp/slack.dmg
  cp -R "/Volumes/Slack/Slack.app" /Applications/
  hdiutil detach /Volumes/Slack

1. The script works, but a sudo command should be added to ensure administrative permissions for the installation process.
2. Add a launchctl command to open the app after installation automatically.
3. Use the installer command to install the app silently instead of copying it manually
4. The script is fine, but a chmod +x command should be added to ensure the app is executable.