Docker Task: Create a Dockerfile for a Redis-Based Counter Service
In this task, you should write a Dockerfile for a Node.js counter API that utilizes Redis for data storage. Follow the instructions below to ensure the service runs correctly in a Docker container.
1. Base Image: Use node:16 as the base image for the Dockerfile.
2. Application Directory: Set the working directory to /usr/src/app.
3. Project Files: The folder containing the Dockerfile also includes:
- counter.js: Contains the main code for the counter API.
- package.json and package-lock.json: Specify the dependencies for the service.
4. Redis Setup: Install and configure Redis within the Docker container.
- Redis should be set up to start when the container runs.
- Set a password for Redis: Choose the following password "redis_password" and configure it in redis.conf using the requirepass option.
- Redis should be set up to start and run locally within the container on port 6379.
5. Application Configuration:
Install all dependencies specified in package.json with npm install.
Configure the environment variable REDIS_URL in your Dockerfile to connect to Redis locally using the chosen password.
For example:
6. Expose Port: The container should expose port 8080, which will be mapped dynamically during runtime.
7. Run Command: The main process should start both Redis and the Node.js application using: